GFC’s Biggest Loser 2018

 In GFC News

2018 started off with several sporting events, the first being the Houston Marathon, then of course the Winter Olympics, and finally the GFC Biggest Loser Challenge. This quarter, GFC held its third Biggest Loser Challenge, consisting of different challenges and wellness initiatives.

We are proud to announce our winners: Wade Egmon, Natasha Naik and Morgann Zimmer for taking the top three titles in our challenge. The wellness program went on from the end of January and ended on March 9. The winners were revealed at the following week’s monthly team meeting. 

“My strategy was to focus on getting as many steps as possible. I’m involved in several sports leagues like volleyball and softball, so I knew that was one way to rack up points. The hardest part was making sure my Fitbit was charged before each game,” says Morgann.

Special notice should be given to CIO and President, Steve Goodman, for literally walking circles around most of the participants. Though he was not eligible for a prize or title, his daily walks racked up a number of points. Other notable participants are our junior planners Chelsea Bailey and Anna Ceker who made it a point to participate in almost every challenge and motivate others.

“The challenge helped me create good habits, and find ways to be active during the work day, such as our daily wall sits and calorie counting,” says Anna.

As with most Biggest Loser programs, the winner was based on who accumulated the most points through various challenges. Challenges included going down the stairs from the seventh floor where the office is located, down to the lobby and then back up twice per day, counting calories for a week, bringing healthy snacks for the office to share, tracking workouts, and other such challenges.

GFC believes in the importance of having healthy lifestyles and is happy to help support incentives to promote the wellbeing of team members.

Though only three GFCers could take the titles, all the participants were ‘losers’ for taking steps towards creating healthy habits.

Anna, Chelsea, Natasha and Morgann completing the Week 4 challenge – one minute wall sits twice a day











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