Astros Day
Here at Goodman Financial, we take money management seriously, but can loosen up here and there. The office celebrated the Astros’ historic win by sporting our favorite Astros gear on November 3, 2017. Though typically in professional attire, the team came to work in blue jeans and Astros shirts.
GFC is home to several serious Astros fans who are all thrilled about the victory. Several from the firm actually attended some of the ACLS and World Series games. We are proud to be founded and housed in Houston, and several team members are University of Houston graduates.
This win is especially joyous for Houston in the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey. After getting so much national and international attention for that tragedy, it’s nice to be recognized instead for the city’s strength and resilience. GFC is excited to celebrate along with our clients and the rest of the city and to partake in this historic event.